Ministry Organization
Our Worship work group is responsible for what goes on during our weekly worship service. A large team of musicians works together to bring a blend of styles to our worship for the unity of the body and the glory of God. Musicians, audio/visual operators, and staff work together to keep our worship God-centered and Word-centered.
This work group ministers directly to the needs of our congregation. This comes in a variety of ways—the church Prayer Chain emails, Nursery care during worship services, bringing flowers, food, companionship, and help as needed. Older, Wiser, Loving Saints (OWLS) gather monthly for dinners, day trips, parties or other events to keep our seniors connected and invigorated. Men’s Fellowship Suppers on the third Thursday each month give time and place to encourage one another as Christian brothers.
Commanded by our Lord and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we endeavor to work in vital partnership with evangelical, Bible-believing missionaries and agencies at home and abroad to be a force in fulfilling the Great Commission. Committed to glorifying God, we desire to mobilize and involve the church family in their roles of praying, helping, supporting, and sending missionaries, including our own church members, into the Lord’s service around the world.
Agencies we support: Awana, Christian Literature Crusade, Transformation Project, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Navigators, Missions Door, ABBA, Camp Berea, New England Fellowship of Evangelicals, Greater Portland Christian School, His Mansion, The Root Cellar, New Hope Women’s Shelter.
Global Missions (Supporting individual missionaries through the following organizations): Jewish Awareness Ministries, Avant Ministries, Pioneers International, New Tribes Mission, Wycliffe, Christar, World Venture, Africa Inland Mission, Gospel Mission of South America.
The Preparing work group seeks to build up believers in their faith strengthening and
encouraging them to fulfill the great commission. Small groups, Youth Group, Lighthouse Kids, Special Needs Ministry, and the church Library are all overseen by this work group.
The Facilities work group cares for our church property, buildings, and equipment so that it is clean and in good working order. From flower gardens to computer systems, care is required to produce a setting in which the eye is delighted, the mind is challenged, and the spirit is invigorated.
Our Finance work group provides careful oversight and accounting to high standards. We make every effort to maintain a Biblical standard of integrity, including compliance with applicable civil law.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and
good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit
of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see
the Day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:24-25